All posts by eobrien

Year 5 Tate Modern Gallery 26.02.16

On Tuesday 26th February Year 5 travelled to the Tate Modern Art Gallery situated on the South Bank. We wanted to look at art work in relation to our topic on Brazil. This half term in Design Technology we are focusing on making carnival masks.
We wanted to find inspiration from the art work and sculptures. The weather was fantastic, and we really enjoyed the walk over the Millennium Bridge, where we had a fantastic view of the City of London Skyline.
What famous landmarks can you name? What is the most expensive painting in the gallery?







Year 5 Science Museum

On Tuesday 26th January Year 5 went on an amazing trip to watch the ‘Feel the Force’ show! We travelled there using the tube, and the children excitedly explored the wonders of the museum, and the amazing artefacts which included one of the first mobile phones, and the first Apple Mac computer. the children could not get over how large the machines were, and feel very lucky to have been allowed to go by their parents.
All the children behaved themselves very well, and we thank all of the parents who gave up their time to come along for the day.


