Year 6 Apple ART Project

Year 6 with the support of Apple ART are designing and creating wall tiles for an outside permanent display. These murals will represent the different nationalities and cultures of the people that live in Acton.

“This will be a celebration for all the diversity and culture” (Year 6 child)

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Year 1 Trip to Kew Gardens

Year 1 spent a wonderful sunny day at beautiful Kew Gardens. We looked for the tallest and smelliest plant on earth, but couldn’t find it. Later we became plant hunters and collected lots of evidence which helped us find out about different trees.

What a wonderful learning experience!
What a wonderful learning experience!

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Trip to garden centre – Reception

The sun shined for Reception as we launched one of our Summer topics with our local visit to the garden centre. The children examined different plants and discussed the various conditions needed for plants to grow. They also had the opportunity to purchase a packet of seeds to grow at home. A good time was had by all!

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Trip to Bank of England – 06.05.16

Last Friday, year 4 visited the Bank of England Museum to explore the world of money. This was John Perryn’s first ever visit here therefore we had lots to learn!

One exciting fact we learnt was, did you know that our bank notes are made out of cotton? A £5 note typically lasts one year. To help save paper, from September £5 notes will now be made from plastic! Can you guess who’s face will now be on the new notes? *Clue* He was Prime Minister during WWII.

Enjoy looking at our pictures, we all had lots of fun!

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